Events at MIND
Monthly Dignity Fundraiser - May 2023
Every year we encourage our students to contribute to a cause they are passionate about by partnering with community-based organizations. This year one of our partners is a non-profit organization based in Montreal called Monthly Dignity.
We have set up a fundraiser for them here, and we will be gifting a student-made shark plush to donors of $20 or more while supplies last.
Monthly Dignity's mission is to fight period poverty and work towards menstrual equity in our city by distributing free menstrual products to community-based organizations and reducing stigma surrounding menstruation through education and advocacy.
They envision a world where menstruation is no longer a barrier to social, educational and professional fulfillment.
To help them out, our students have been making reusable menstrual pads and shark plushes. The pads will be donated to Monthly Dignity and the sharks will be given as gifts for donation. As part of POP, the secondary 3 students have created social media ads to promote the fundraiser.
Monthly Dignity is also hosting a gala to aid in their fundraising efforts. Find more information and get your ticket here.

Spoken Word Workshop with Svens Telemaque - March 2023
We were able to invite Svens to our school for some spoken word workshops thanks to the Artists Inspire network, and inspire he did!
He spent some time with each grade over a few days and brought out some wonderful words and feelings. We look forward to the chance at working with him again.
Thanks, Svens!

Bear Witness Fundraiser for Miyoskamin - May 2022
MIND High School has set up a fundraiser in support of Jordan's Principle. All proceeds will go to the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal and their Miyoskamin project.
This cross-curricular project involves the creation and marketing of teddy bears in connection with Bear Witness Day.
During art class, the students learned to sew and crochet, they devised patterns, and they poured their hearts into making their bears.
Next, the sec III class created social media ads to market the bears and to solicit donations. At the end of our fundraising goal, they will be able to look at the analytics for their ads in preparation for their next marketing endeavour.
If you'd like to help, head to our GoFundMe page. We will be gifting a student-made bear to donors of $20 or more while supplies last.

Guest Speaker Kawisente - September 15 2021
On Wednesday September 15th, MIND High School welcomed Kawisente, a member of the Kanien'kehá:ka (Mohawk) and Clan Mother from Kahnawà:ke. Kawisente (meaning small icicle melting) spoke to the students of her personal experiences in an Indian Day School. Kawisente traced the arc of losing her native language to how she has come to reconnect with it. She recounted the history of the broken promises made between her people and the European settlers depicted in the original wampum treaties, and how the destruction of their matriarchal society led to the victimization of Indigenous women and the deterioration of the Kanien'kehá:ka ways of governance and cultural practices. In an honest and direct talk, Kawisente laid bare the path to meaningful reconciliation.

The students at MIND High School would like to thank Kawisente for her guidance as they create their own designs for Orange Shirt Day (September 30th) held in remembrance of the victims of Canada’s Indian Residential School System. MIND students are proactively seeking ways to practice truth and reconciliation within their own Montreal community.